TRAINING (2.4.1)
Membro della SCNAT

Sotto l’egida della SSS biologi provenienti da diversissimi campi si impegnano per gli interessi della sistematica e della tassonomia. La SSS è un’interlocutrice competente per la scienza e la società e coltiva uno scambio internazionale.di più

Immagine: C.Schüssler, stock.adobe.comdi più


The Key dates of the Society

2001 - The ScNat mandated a working group, the "Task Force Systematik" to report on the state of Systematics in Switzerland.

2004 - The creation of a specialized scientific society was included among the proposals of the working group to strengthen this area in the country.

- First discussion between Daniel Burckhardt, Philippe Clerc and Jean Mariaux on the format and objectives of the society.

- A survey among professionals working in Switzerland confirmed the interest for this project.

2005 - Creation of the SSS by Daniel Burckhardt, Philippe Clerc and Jean Mariaux, along with Winand Brickmann and Hannes Baur.

- Pretty soon the SSS reaches over 100 members. This number has been stable since then.

2007 - The SSS becomes a member of the ScNat

2008 - First Participation to the Biology meeting in Lausanne

- First SSS Day in Bern

2010 - First SSS Day with a specialized workshop

The future of systematics in Switzerland:

systematics as a key discipline in biology

J Zool Syst Evol Res. 2007

L'avenir de la systématique en Suisse:

une discipline biologique fondamentale

ScNat 2006